2SLGBTQ+ Awareness
How to promote a more inclusive and diverse culture


Thursday, April 27 – 2 to 4 p.m.
$50 per person

Thursday, May 4 – 2 to 4 p.m.
$50 per person

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We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Welcome to 2SLGBTQ+ Awareness

In order to champion inclusion in your life and organization, you need to be able to form authentic connections. It is only through authentic connections that you can foster a safe and positive space that encourages others to share their thoughts, ideas and passions.

But what if the people in your life aren’t able to bring their authentic selves to the conversation? Can they truly excel? Can they fully contribute? Can they genuinely connect?

When someone can’t bring their whole self to their work and life, they don’t feel included and that can affect every facet of their life.

By learning more about the 2SLGBTQ+ community, you can help people feel accepted and included.

In this awareness session, you will build a solid knowledge base, you will learn about the challenges faced by 2SLGBTQ+ people, what it means to be a member of the community and how to be an ally.

As an example, did you know that homosexuality was a criminal offence in Canada until 1969? And that one man was sentence to prison indefinitely for being ‘incurably homosexual’.

Did you know the Canadian government worked in partnership with police services to purge gay employees from their organizations and ban them from crossing the border?

And did you know, conversion therapy was legal in Canada until 2022?

All of these contributing factors lead to members of the 2SLGBTQ+ not feeling as valued citizens in Canada.

And while a lot has changed, there are still many challenges faced by people today. Violence, homelessness and mental health issue are more present in the 2SLGBTQ+ community than any other in our society.

This awareness session is going to open your eyes to some of the unique challenges faced by this community and how you can help breakdown barriers so everyone you interact with feels valued and included.

Throughout this educational journey, you will learn about:

2SLGBTQ+ history in Canada

Important dates and occurrences across the country

Legal precedents

Human rights decisions and protect rights

Inclusive policies and procedures

Using inclusive language in business documents, communications tools and websites


The importance of using and respecting someone’s pronouns

Gender and gender identity

Knowing the different gender and how people identity

Sexual orientation

A more in-depth review of different orientations and the stigma that people face because of who they love

Along with gaining this valuable knowledge, you will also acquire skills and tools on how to address conflict that may occur at your workplace or in your daily life. Having the proper tools to de-escalate situations and ensure all parties are treated with dignity and respect are key to championing not only inclusion, but someone’s fundamental human rights.

The goal of this awareness session is to create welcoming environments and promote a more inclusive and diverse culture. By enabling you to become an inclusion champion, you can improve the work and personal environment for the 2SLGBTQ+ community and make inclusion a fundamental part of your life.


Online Single course – Two hours
1 to 20 people – $1,500
21 to 50 people – $2,000
50+ people – contact for more information

In Person course – Two hours

Email info@authorsofinclusion.com for available dates
or if you are outside the Greater Toronto Area.

Details Price Qty
2SLGBTQ+ Awareness ONLINE COURSEshow details + $1,695.00 CAD*  

* price includes taxes

Details Price Qty
2SLGBTQ+ Awareness ONLINE COURSE 21+ Peopleshow details + $2,260.00 CAD*  

* price includes taxes

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